Sunday, 27 January 2013

A touch of Spring.

A Touch of Spring.

Nature's taking winters rest,

often scenic smartly dressed,

a veil of snow, still, calm,

branches laden a weighty balm.

A pigeon flaps disturbing peace,

agitated, a small caprice,

clods of snow hit the ground,

the copse echoes a thudding sound.

Not that many birds around,

a blackbird its regular round,

the magpie a haughty cavalier,

it always seems in good cheer.

Great tits come and go,

usually a communal show,

a dreadfull, rainy, sodden year,

just a hint that spring is near.

My clematis and only evergreen,

a truly heartening scene,

by christmas buds began to grow,

now tiny purple petals show.














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