Friday, 28 November 2014

Goodbye Usama Bin Laden Usama Bin Laden was born in Riyadh in 1957. He is said to be the 17th of 52 children by Yemeni born Muhammad Bin Laden, Saudi Arabia's wealthiest construction magnate with close ties to King Faisal of Saudi Arabia. After his father's death in 1968 Usama Bin Laden inherited some estimated $300 million The Camp David peace accords between Egypt and Israel, the overthrow of the Shah of Iran and the subsequent creation of a ‘shiite’ Islamic regime , plus, the soviet invasion of Afghanistan changed the young man's perception of the world. "I was enraged," he told the newspaper ‘Al Quds Al Arabi.’

  Usamah Bin Laden.
Saudi Arabia the place of his birth
 his father seemingly ruling the earth
 the construction business brought him fame
 wealth, power, in this Arab domain.
52 children his father would sire
bricks and mortar not his only desire
the Sunni religion instilled in them all they considered it better than Peter,Paul Young Usama tired of it all
wealth and luxury was not his call
he decided that fame was his game
and Sunni fame his ultimate aim.
Free thinking Russians he started on first
Infidals all! was his first outburst
if your not Sunni your nothing at
 all no think no fun no having a ball.
Slapping the deck five times a day
then babying women, going astray
up to the hills shouting the odds
bombing killing playing at gods
Killing all no question asked
Christians, Muslims, all stood aghast
we went through this centuries ago
  inquistions, burnings, they had to forego.
He eventually met an American elite
out of the sky, in his secret retreat
guns ablaze, nowhere to run
his wasted life was finally done.

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